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I became active in conservation in the early 2000s, after taking an environmental politics course at Colorado State University. Since then, my advocacy has taken many forms: education, outreach, and direct action. I have been lucky enough to be a member of several organizations who have worked to protect the environment and empower political activism.

Climate Reality Project


Climate Reality Leader / Leadership Team

I was trained as a Climate Reality Leader by Al Gore in 2019. In this role I have delivered numerous presentations on climate, the impact of climate change on society, and climate change solutions. I also established and managed the social media channels for the Climate Reality Silicon Valley Chapter from 2019 to 2021.


As part of my advocacy, I undertook writing monthly environmentally-focused columns for the San Jose Spotlight and India Currents. I also mentored other Climate Reality Leaders and hosted trainings on hosting effective presentations and persuasive writing skills.

Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action

The SVYCA empowers youth to take action on climate change and has successfully urged cities, counties, and the state of California to adopt climate smart politics.

I joined SVYCA in 2020 as an adult advisor and I currently co-managed their social media presence, website updates, and advocacy agenda.

As an advisor I have trained members in website development, social media management, climate communication, writing, and presentations skills


Executive Board Member / Advisor

Action Together - Zurich

Action Together Zurich Image.jpg

Executive Board Member

Founded in March 2017, Action Together: Zürich, CH is an organization of Americans, Swiss, and other nationals committed to doing its small share to help protect the values of equality, freedom, opportunity, democracy, human rights and environmental protection.

As an Executive Board Member (2017-2019), I helped set the agenda for action, coordinated and participated in successful campaigns  (e.g. registering voters, phone calling campaigns, and fundraising) and worked with media organizations to highlight our activities. I also publish op-eds on contemporary political topics from an expat perspective.

Zharity - Earth


I joined the Zharity in 2016. Zharity is a charity organization that coordinates a wide range of events charity events. With another member, I founded Zharity - Earth, which focused on environmental issues.

Zharity - Earth hosted trash clean-ups, educational and sustainability events, and hosted a youth-centered community garden.


While with Zharity, I coordinated volunteers and resources, developed and distributed an organization-wide newsletter, and hosted events.


Campbelltown Community Produce Swap

CCProduce Swap 2013.jpg


I founded Campbelltown Community Produce Swap (CCPS) in 2013 with two other community members. Working in tandem with the City Council and a local church, we organized a place for people to share their extra homegrown garden produce. Swappers any excess fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, flowers and seeds to share whilst getting to know the local community.

The CCPS just celebrated its 11th year and has added additional educational and FreeCycle opportunities to its monthly gatherings. 

© 2023 by Erin Zimmerman. All rights reserved.

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